MyBeckett is your Portal to Leeds Beckett University’s online resources. It allows you to search for and use our collection of information databases, ejournals, eBooks and other electronic resources.
Log in to MyBeckett with your Leeds Beckett username and password.
If you need more help with MyBeckett, please call +44 (0) 113 812 1000 (24/7) or Email
To ensure compatibility with MyBeckett you need to install some software. You may already have the software but it's important that you have the latest version.
We recommend you use Google Chrome as your web browser. Google Chrome is a fast, stable browser and can be downloaded / installed through the Google Store.
You may use other browsers e.g. Firefox and Safari (Apple Mac). MyBeckett browser support information can be found on our supplier's website.
We recommend you install multiple browsers. If you have any issues displaying web pages, switching to another browser often provides a quick workaround.
Some parts of MyBeckett need the latest version of Java to work. Please download Java and follow the on screen instructions.
After downloading, install the program. Run this test to check that Java is installed and working properly on your computer.
Some documents in modules are only available in PDF format. You need to install Acrobat Reader (or similar PDF reader software) to open them.
Make sure you untick the optional McAfee offer box, click the Install Now icon and follow the on screen instructions.
When using MyBeckett on a home computer, bear in mind that your network connection speed has an impact on responsiveness.
Recommended connection speed: Minimum 2Mbps for a reasonable user experience when downloading / uploading files or playing video / audio.
MyBeckett will work on slower connections: 0.2Mbps to 2Mbps albeit with slow download and upload speeds which affect the quality of video / audio.
Please view Blackboard help for accessibility information.
The Blackboard app allows you to access your modules on a variety of devices. To download the app, please choose your device OS from the list below:
Once you've downloaded the app onto your mobile device, open it and:
Search for Leeds Beckett University – MyBeckett
Log in with your MyBeckett Username and Password
For more info about the app please visit the Blackboard app website.
When you log in you'll see the MyBeckett Homepage. This is organised into cards containing helpful links. You may need to scroll down to view all of the content on this page.
You can also use the menu on the left to navigate MyBeckett.
The content editor allows you to add and format text, insert equations, hyperlinks and attach files to content.
If you're adding a long journal / blog / discussion / wiki entry you should type this in Microsoft Word or similar, and copy and paste your work into MyBeckett. This is so that in the event of internet connection issues, you don't lose everything you've typed.
Select text or an object, then click the link function to add a new hyperlink or edit an existing hyperlink. To remove a link, select it and click the remove link button. The link must be a valid web address.
Click the plus button, then Insert Local Files to embed an image in the text area or edit an existing selected image.
You can add common image types, such as GIF, JPG, PNG, and TIF.
Allows you to create and manage formulas in your module. It features: Basic operations, Matrix calculus, Calculus and series, Logic and set theory, Units, Greek alphabet.
This guide explains what Discussion Boards, Forums and Threads are and what they can be used for within the context of your module. It also explains how to create a thread and edit / delete posts (if the option is available).
They're a way for students and staff to discuss topics, structure or specific tasks related to the module. They can be used to raise issues about things you may be unsure about or struggling with on your module / course, to inform tutors / lecturers of mistakes, or for engaging in collaborative exercises that you may need to contribute to. They can be set up to be marked, so you may be assessed on your contributions.
Discussion Board – Your overall area for discussions. You may encounter two types of Discussion Boards - Course Discussion Boards and Group Discussion Boards.
Forum – Your top-level discussion topic. ONLY lecturers / tutors can create a forum
Thread – The next level down from forums. When your tutor creates a forum, they may give you the ability to create your own threads or choose to create them themselves.
Comment – Can be made by anyone on the course and are typically replies to threads.
1. In your MyBeckett modules tab and select the module which you want to start or contribute to a discussion in.
2. Click on the Discussions link on the left side module navigation menu (it may have been renamed by your tutor/course leader/administrator e.g. Forum.
3. You'll see the following image.
4. Click the Forum name to enter it.
5. You'll see the Forum screen.
You can Create, Subscribe to, Search or Display (view) threads of the discussion. If the instructor hasn't allowed you to create threads, this option won't appear.
Click the name of the thread to access and comment on it. You can also edit the structure of forum threads with Edit Paging
Mark and Flag posts using the Thread Actions or collect all responses / comments for print using Collect.
6. Click the name of the thread if you want to view / comment / edit it.
7. Click a thread topic to open an editing screen
8. You can Flag or Mark posts to indicate important comments or highlight unread sections.
9. To reply to a comment or discussion topic, click Reply, type a comment and / or attach a file, then click Submit.
10. You can Quote authors if you want to respond to a particular topic or section of their comment/ thread. Click Quote, add in your own comments, then click Submit.
11. You can email the author of the comment by clicking Email Author. E.g. to ask them to remove it or ask them a question.
1. To follow a discussion or be updated when people comment, you can subscribe to forums. Select a forum and click the Subscribe button.
2. A confirmation message appears.
3. An email is sent to your student email address confirming your subscription. When posts are added by tutors or students you'll receive an email from Blackboard Administrator.
4. To unsubscribe, go back to where you clicked Subscribe. There's now an Unsubscribe button in its place. Click it to be removed from the mailing list.
Wikis allow you to communicate and collaborate with either all of your peers in a module, or a group of your peers from within the module. You may be asked to do this as part of an assessment.
There are two different ways Wikis can be accessed depending on how they've been set up by your tutor.
This type of Wiki allows anyone studying the module to contribute. Enter the module and locate the Wiki icon (see image below). If you can't locate it you'll need to contact your module tutor to ask them if they're using it and if so, where it's located.
1. Enter your Sub-Group. This may be under the My Sub-Groups in the module navigation menu, or it may be in a content area. If you can't find it, please contact your module tutor to confirm the location.
2. Inside the Sub-Group you'll see a list of Properties, Tools and Assignments. Access the Sub-Group Wiki from the Sub-group Tools section.
1. The first time you access a Wiki you may be asked to create a new homepage. Or, your tutor may have already created a page which contains info about what they expect from the Wiki.
2. If you're asked to create a new homepage, enter a name and the contents of the homepage in the relevant boxes. These can be changed at any time by editing the page.
3. Click Submit.
4. You'll be taken to the Wiki editor.
5. Click the Create Wiki Page button.
6. Give the page a name and add some content. Click Submit when you're finished.
7. You can navigate between pages using the Wiki Details menu on the right of the page.
1. On the page you want to edit, click either the Edit Wiki Content button or click the arrow next to the page name and click Edit.
2. The Wiki editor opens. Make your changes, then click Submit.
3. The changes are shown in the Wiki editor.
View Change History
A Wiki allows you to view edits made to a specific page.
1. Find the page in the Wiki Details menu on the right, click the arrow next to the page, click History.
2. You're shown a list of page versions.
3. Click a title to view different versions of a page.
4. To compare changes between two versions, tick the box to the left of the version names and click Compare Versions.
5. You're shown the versions with page changes highlighted.
1. Open the page you want to comment on and click the Comment button at the bottom.
2. This opens a text box. Type a comment and click Add.
3. Your comment is displayed at the bottom of the page.
1. View the comments by clicking the Comments link under a page. This displays all comments that have been added.
2. Click the red x icon and confirm that you want to delete.
3. The comment is removed.