Skills for Learning provide information on the Harvard referencing system, including how to reference a variety of different formats and media.
Use of these Services and Material is subject to the terms and conditions of the individual Licence Agreements signed by Leeds Beckett University.
Material in our subscription databases is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. By accessing the Services and Material you accept the Licence terms and conditions and agree that you are bound by them.
Please note due to licensing restrictions you are not able to access eBooks - please use print copies instead.
Brill’s publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences. We currently mostly have access to Open Access content, along with some journals, and a very limited number of eBooks.
DOAB provides access to over 70,000 scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books, on a variety of subjects.
The DOAJ provides free, full text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals from around the world. There are over 19,000 open access titles, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
Access to ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education for researchers Worldwide. You can search the EThOS database without having to register. You do, however, need to register and log in if you want to download a thesis from EThOS or to order digitisation of a thesis.
Over 300 OpenAccess books with specific focus on Economics, Politics and Sociology, European Studies, Literature, History, Visual and Performing Arts.
The Open Library of Humanities is an Open Access publishing platform supporting academic journals from across the humanities disciplines, as well as hosting its own multidisciplinary journal. Topics covered include: classics, modern languages and cultures, philosophy, theology and history, political theory, sociology, anthropology, film and new media studies, and digital humanities.