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Skills for Learning: Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is perhaps the most important skill you will develop at university.

Critical thinking is the ability to:

  • Approach new topics with an open mind, putting aside your own personal opinions and biases.
  • Identify relevant and reliable information sources for your assignments.
  • Compare and contrast what different authors say about a topic, analysing and evaluating their arguments.
  • Question information on a topic and challenge pre-existing ideas. 
  • Develop your own clear, logical arguments based on sound reasoning and evidence. 

We run interactive workshops to help you develop your critical thinking skills. Find out more on the Skills for Learning Workshops page.

We have online academic skills modules within MyBeckett for all levels of university study. These modules will help your academic development and support your success at LBU. You can work through the modules at your own pace, revisiting them as required. Find out more from our FAQ What academic skills modules are available?

Choosing sources for an assignment

Choosing useful and reliable information to read is the first step in demonstrating critical thinking.

Imagine a friend told you that someone had created a dinosaur in a lab. Your first question would ask where they found this information. If they had obtained it from social media or from a friend, you might question its accuracy. Similarly, your tutors will check whether the sources you’ve chosen to support your arguments are valid.

Your tutors will look at your references and bibliography to see what information sources you have used. They want to see that you have consulted up-to-date, reliable sources. If the sources you use are unreliable or inappropriate, then your arguments won’t be considered trustworthy.

To help you identify reliable sources, download the CRAAP Test Worksheet.

Or, you can evaluate each source you locate using the 'REVIEW' criteria in the REVIEW Sources Checklist. You can also use this worksheet to record your evaluation of sources.

Be a critical reader

Reading critically means not taking information at face value. Analyse and evaluate what you read. As you work, ask questions of ('interrogate') the sources.

Find out more about critical reading on our Reading page.


As you read, make notes, but avoid copying long quotes or chunks of information. Note-making should be a critical process. 

Write notes in your own words, including your own response to your reading. Download the Approaches to Note-Making Worksheet for ideas on how to approach this.

The Cornell Notes Guide (also sometimes called 'Column Notes') and the Evidence Matrix Worksheet provide more specific guidance on these techniques.

Your tutors want to see you examining current academic debates in your field. You should compare and contrast sources, using this evidence to develop your own argument.

Practise your skills at paraphrasing and summarising from your reading. Download our Paraphrasing and Summarising Information worksheet to help you with this. 

Synthesising information from different sources improves the criticality of your academic writing. Download our Synthesising Sources in Writing worksheet which explains how to do this. 

Writing critically

Tutors often tell students that their writing is too descriptive and needs to be more critical. You might be asked to analyse material more closely or explain your points more thoroughly. All of these points relate to critical thinking.

Here are our three top tips for making sure your work demonstrates your critical thinking skills:

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One mistake students sometimes make is to write everything they know about a topic, without developing their own thesis statement.*

Once you have completed some broad reading on the topic, organise your ideas. This way, you can create a clear plan for responding to the question. At this stage, you should decide what your main argument/case will be. Try to sum it up in one sentence (this will be your thesis statement). Download the Essay Planning Worksheet to help you.

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*Your thesis statement is a sentence in your introduction that sums up your overall argument or position.

PEAL stands for Point, Evidence, Analysis, Link. To make a strong argument, your points need to be supported by evidence. You should make it clear to the reader how the evidence helps demonstrate your point. Using the PEAL structure for writing paragraphs can help. Download the PEAL Paragraph Structure Worksheet to help you.

Use reporting verbs to explain or comment on your evidence from published sources. Download our Reporting Verbs Worksheet to help you.

When we write descriptively, we answer questions such as ‘Who wrote it?’, ‘What did they say?’ and ‘When did it happen?’. You will always need some descriptive writing in your assignments as it gives context. However, you should avoid too much description. Prioritise critical discussion, demonstrating your independent thinking. You will gain marks for analysing and evaluating the evidence to draw your own conclusions. Download the CRAAP Test and Critical Analysis Questions Worksheets to help you.

Improving your critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is a skill that takes time and conscious effort to develop. Here are our top tips for improving your critical thinking skills:

  • Complete set reading prior to seminars. Attend seminars with specific questions to ask or ideas to put forward. Speaking in front of a group can be a daunting prospect. However, taking part in class discussions will really help you develop your critical thinking skills.
  • Chat about key topics with friends. Discussing ideas, asking questions and debating points will strengthen your critical abilities further.
  • Check drafts of your work to see if you have a balance between description and critical thinking. Highlight areas that are just description and see if you can make them more critical. You should leave out anything that isn’t central to the development of your argument. Check the structure and argument of a draft by creating a reverse outline. Download the Reverse Outlines Worksheet to help you.

We have two recordings available focusing on Critical Thinking. We recommend starting with Critical Thinking 1, then progressing to Critical Thinking 2.

Critical Thinking 1:

Critical Thinking 2:

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Our interactive Essay X-ray tool can also help you begin to formulate sentences that demonstrate critical thinking. 


Artificial intelligence tools

Before using any generative artificial intelligence or paraphrasing tools in your assessments, you should check if this is permitted on your course.

If their use is permitted on your course, you must acknowledge any use of generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT or paraphrasing tools (e.g., Grammarly, Quillbot, etc.), even if you have only used them to generate ideas for your assignment or for proofreading.

Skills for Learning workshops and events are mixture of live sessions and on demand recordings.

Skills for Learning FAQs