RNIB Bookshare have recently launched a new website. We are in the process of updating these pages to reflect these changes. In the meantime please see the Help section of the RNIB Bookshare website.
Some of the books on your reading list will be provided through RNIB Bookshare. If the book is available on RNIB Bookshare the note Available on RNIB Bookshare will have been added underneath the book title:
In addition to the books on your reading list you can also search RNIB Bookshare for other books which may be useful for your module. Not all books will be available through RNIB Bookshare as only certain publishers work with them however this is increasing all the time. More help is available on the RNIB Bookshare How to find books page.
Dolphin EasyReader is an app available for iOS and Android. You can connect to your RNIB Bookshare account to view books on your phone or tablet.
To find out more about EasyReader watch the Getting Started with EasyReader video or visit the EasyReader Help & Instructions page.
You will then be able to access your reading list and read the books within the EasyReader app.
Leeds Beckett's Quote, Unquote guide provides information on the Harvard referencing system, including how to reference a variety of different formats and media. Please also see Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism for further guidance.
To reference a book that you have accessed via RNIB Bookshare using Leeds Beckett's Harvard referencing style, please follow the RNIB Bookshare books guidance in the Books, chapters and e-books section of Quote, Unquote (scroll down the page to find the RNIB Bookshare books section).