See the Accessibility help link for each eBook supplier below for advice on how to make eBooks more accessible. Find the name of the eBook collection on the list and click on the Accessibility help link. The name of the eBook collection should be displayed at the top of the page when you first access the eBook.
BibliU's platform allows access to eTextbook content. We currently have access to 3 titles related to HR, marketing and psychology.
Bloomsbury Collections delivers online access to scholarly books from Bloomsbury’s Academic division. We currently have access to a few eBooks, but you can also read over 350 Open Access eBooks. Browse these titles by going to the ‘Open Access’ section, or by filtering search results by 'Access Type'.
Brill’s publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences. We currently mostly have access to Open Access content, along with some journals, and a very limited number of eBooks.
This eBook collection from Cambridge University Press is a specially selected collection of high demand eBooks. We have access to over 1000 titles in the Law, Politics and International Relations, History and Area Studies subjects. There are also over 250 Open Access eBooks.
De Gruyter publishes first-class scholarship and has done so for more than 270 years. They are an independent publisher headquartered in Berlin. We currently have access to a few eBooks in the social sciences.
We have access to:
The Ebook Central collection includes titles purchased by your librarian, such as key resources on from reading lists and other eBooks for wider reading.
Elgar Online is an eBook platform that has titles from a range of subjects including: politics, research methods, education, geography and tourism among others. We also have some Open Access journal titles. To view all titles that Leeds Beckett has access to, select ‘all accessible content’ from the left side menu.
Contains articles from 103 management journals, complete with full text archives back to 1994. Emerald eBook series brings together two collection of over 1,600 titles which focus on two different areas: Business, Management & Economics, and Social Sciences.
Institution of Civil Engineers collection, but also useful to anyone researching architecture, building and the built environment, land management, property management, urban design, planning, transport and urban design.
We have access to the eBook collection up until 2016, and the full text journal archive content between 1836 and 2002 containing every peer-reviewed technical paper published by the ICE. Once you have run a search on the database you can select the years 1836-2002.
Provides access to almost 3-million full text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications, including journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics, and allied fields.
The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content. This eBook collection allows access to the 2010-2023 titles from the IET Ultimate Collection. Subscribed content is shown with a purple unlocked padlock symbol.
Over 7,000 eBooks across STEM and social sciences disciplines. Useful for Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning; Computing; Data Science; Education.
Kortext is an eTextbook platform. We currently have access to over 15,000 open-access titles via Kortext Open Resources Collection.
Contains the full content of over 180 law textbooks from Oxford University Press.
This resource offers access to eBooks across a variety of subjects. The majority of the content we have access to is Open Access. This includes books on: History, Politics and Sociology.
Over 300 OpenAccess books with specific focus on Economics, Politics and Sociology, European Studies, Literature, History, Visual and Performing Arts.
A combined journal and eBook platform that hosts Oxford University Press content.
Please note we do not subscribe to all content on this platform.
A platform on which we hold 9 Oxford University Press Law eBooks, accessed via codes.
Rittenhouse's R2 Digital Library is a platform health science eBooks. We currently have access to three titles, about education, nursing and immunology. To see these please tick the Archive box on the left hand side once on the platform.
Sage Catalyst is an eBook collection of over 700 titles covering a range of topics including Business, Psychology and Research. It is hosted by Talis Elevate and an ebook on the platform can be identified by the URL '' in the web address bar.
Sage Knowledge provides a collection of eBooks covering a wide range of topics.
Collection of eBooks and ejournals which mainly covers the subject areas of: Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Health Sciences and Psychology.
Screen Studies is a dynamic digital platform taking users from script to screen and beyond – offering a broad range of content from Bloomsbury, Faber & Faber and the British Film Institute to support moving-image studies.
Springer Link contains scientific titles that are free from DRM (Digital Rights Management). This means you can download book chapters and copy and paste from PDFs without restriction.
Note: untick the box "Include Preview-Only content" when browsing content to see the available PDFs.
A platform for science, technology and medical e-Book content.
Discover a new topic or subject with these introductory eBooks written by authors who are experts in their field.
Titles from the VLeBook collection are purchased based on your usage - if you use a title, it will be added to the collection.