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The Library: Can't find the item you need? Request It!

Your book requests: available to read online or borrow from the Library

What is the Request it! service?

If we have the item you are looking for in our collection please place a reservation.

If we don't have the item in our collection please use Request It! See the information below:

  • Items are provided in digital format where possible.
  • Students and staff should use this service to request Interlibrary Loans from other libraries.
  • If we're unable to purchase the item we will attempt to borrow from other institutions via Interlibrary Loan. There is no charge to submit an Interlibrary Loan but please ensure you only request items essential to support your research and studies.
  • Requests for fiction items are only accepted where directly related to a course topic.
  • Please use this service if you have any recommendations for library stock to help us broaden and diversify our collections.
  • If you need a specific format, such as print, because of a disability, you can ask us to obtain your required format. On the Request It form in the "Your Preferred Format" drop-down list, please select from "Ebook only - due to disability" or "Print only - due to disability".

For information on how to use this service please see the FAQ: 'How do I request an item not held in stock?'

If you are a member of staff carrying out a systematic review, please see the FAQ: 'How does the Library support Systematic Reviews?'

Note that the Library reserves the right to decline a request.

For Interlibrary Loan request entitlements please see the FAQ: 'Who can apply for an Interlibrary Loan.'

Reading Lists

If you are an academic and want a resource for a reading list, please add to your lists as normal. Our Academic Librarian Teams can help you with these. If an essential item for a taught course is not available for either purchase or loan, please contact the relevant Academic Librarian team for guidance on alternatives.