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OECD iLibrary

EIU databases

The EIU databases provide economic indicators and forecasts. The data can be downloaded into Excel.

In order to switch between the databases listed below click on the 'Economist Intelligence' or 'EIU' buttons at the top of the screen: 

EIU Global Forecasting Service

Monthly world economic outlooks, data analysis and forecasts for the global economy articles on critical economic issues and the top ten risks confronting the world economy at any given time. This is a FREE service - you will need to register online to view content.


Thomson Reuters DataStream

The Leeds Beckett Trading Floor provides access to information and tools through Thomson Reuters DataStream. This includes local and global economic and business news, historical and real-time (15 minute delayed data feed) economic and business data, the creation and monitoring of portfolio performance, firm level information, visual analysis through charting, thousands of research works on country and firm performance and the facility to transfer the information into relevant software.

Thousands of economic data series sourced from central banks, national statistics offices, OECD and IMF.

Find out more about the range of data available in the Datastream Economics  factsheet.

UK Data Service

Country statistics

  • Nationmaster website allowing you to compare country statistical data taken from numerous sources. Provided by Rapid Intelligence (an Australian web technology company).
  • Eurostat official EU statistics website.
  • EUR-LEX provides free access to European law – treaties, directives, regulations, case-law and proposals for legislation.
  • UNdata Country Profiles united Nations statistical profiles of countries. 
  • UNdata Explorer free access to the world's major international statistics from the United Nations. 
  • BBC Country Profiles guides to the history, politics and economic background of countries from the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • IMF Country Information reports and publications from the International Monetary Fund. Arranged alphabetically by country.
  • Open to Export: Countries uK Government supported free, online site for UK companies looking to grow internationally.
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Country Profiles official UK Government website providing travel advice by country.
  • World Economic Forum reports and commentary 
  • World Bank  comprehensive information on sustainable economic growth and development projects.
  • World Factbook Broad overviews of countries.