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Fame covers over 11 million companies in the UK and Ireland: Over 2 million companies in a detailed format (Financial data, contact details, number of employees, names of directors, ownership and subsidiaries, and more); 280,000 companies in a summary format; details of 1.3 million active companies not required to file/yet to file accounts; 6 million inactive companies.
A certified training programme is available – in the database click on the “?” help icon in the top right and then the training program tab.
MarketLine contains global market research and company analysis reports covering sectors including consumer goods, finance, food and drink and technology. Contains PESTLE Country Analysis reports for the top 50 countries in the world (GDP) and PEST country analysis of the top 100 countries (GDP). Access SWOT analysis for many major companies, just type the company name in the search box. You can also search by industry.
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Market research reports in UK, European and US consumer markets. Mintel includes trends, statistics, news, information on brands and companies, and demographic data on a range of sectors. Please note Mintel has a 200 concurrent user license.
Collection of Industry Market Research and Industry Risk Ratings covering a wide range of industries within the UK. Includes statistics, analysis, forecasts, Brexit Impact Reports and insight into operation conditions, including the supply chain.
Some resources are not searchable on Discover, however, so you may also want to search separately on the databases listed below:
This is the database for all publications from the British Standards Institute (BSI). It includes current, historic, and draft British Standards; BSI adopted European and international standards; technical handbooks; codes of practice; guidelines; and specifications for products, dimensions, performance, and glossaries.
Please note you will need to download File Open to be able to download the full standards. Rather than download, you can view the document by clicking on 'Quick View' but please note it isn't always the full version.
Comprehensive source of technical information standards and legislation for construction industry professionals. Includes Building Regulations Approved Documents, Codes of Practice, Specimen Contract Documents, Architects' Journal and the SCI Blue Book.
Please note, for British Standards please search the British Standards Online database.
Institution of Civil Engineers collection, but also useful to anyone researching architecture, building and the built environment, land management, property management, urban design, planning, transport and urban design.
We have access to the eBook collection up until 2016, and the full text journal archive content between 1836 and 2002 containing every peer-reviewed technical paper published by the ICE. Once you have run a search on the database you can select the years 1836-2002.
Provides access to almost 3-million full text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications, including journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics, and allied fields.
Contains a homepage for each practice area (Company Commercial, Property and Dispute Resolution) holding essential resources chosen and compiled by an expert team of solicitors and barristers. LexisPSL provides KnowHow, primary law, precedents, forms and excerpts from authoritative Butterworths commentary. Additionally, links to Lexis+ Library take you directly to a broader range of relevant legal resources.
If required to log in to access, please use your standard University username and password - an additional Lexis account is not needed.
Database of references to some books and journal articles taken from a wide variety of subject areas. Full text access is only available to some 400 of the thousands of publications listed. You can only see the full text of those items that have an open lock symbol next to them. If no such symbol appears you do not have full text access.
Publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, reference works, and databases, the content spans all areas of the humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, science, technology, and medicine.
Full text access to over 380 Sage Publication titles subscribed to by The Library mainly in the social sciences, including titles on law (mainly crime and criminal justice), business, humanities, science, technology and medicine.
Collection of eBooks and ejournals which mainly covers the subject areas of: Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Health Sciences and Psychology.
Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature. SciVerse Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities.
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