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The Library: Symplectic and repositories

Description of the policies

  1. Both the Leeds Beckett Repository and Leeds Beckett Thesis and Research Data Repository are institutional repositories. 

  1. Deposited items on the Leeds Beckett Repository (Eprints) may include: 

  • accepted versions (author's final peer-reviewed drafts) 

  • published versions (publisher-created files) 

  • Other types of outputs including but not limited to Videos, Presentations, Images, Conference Proceedings etc. 

  1. Items are individually tagged with: 

  • their version type and date

  • their peer-review status

  • their publication status

  1. Deposited items on the Leeds Beckett Thesis and Research Data Repository (Figshare) are Postgraduate Research theses and datasets 

  1. In accordance with the deposit agreement content except theses are automatically deposited with a CC BY license, though this can be amended if required e.g. your work cannot be used for commercial reasons by other parties.  

  1. Theses are automatically deposited with a CC BY-NC license. 

Usage Policy

For full-text and other full data items 

  1. Anyone may access the publicly available files. 

  1. Anyone may reuse items according to how they are individually tagged with different rights, permissions and conditions. 

  1. The repositories are not the publisher; merely an online archive. 

  1. Work from the repository if cited, should be attributed either under the terms of the CC license under which it is shared, or with the Author name, and a link to the item on the repository. 

Submission Policy

Concerning depositors, quality and copyright 

  1. Items may only be deposited by accredited members, academic staff, registered students, and employees of the institution 

  1. Eligible depositors must deposit full text or files relating to the deposit. 

  1. Eligible deposits are those related to the time period of affiliation to Leeds Beckett University.  

  1. Items are deposited in accordance with the Deposit agreement 

  1. The administrator curates items on the basis of eligibility of authors/depositors, and relevance to the scope of the repositories, and institutional and publisher policies. 

  1. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor. 

  1. Items can be deposited at any time. Metadata is made immediately available on curation, but files will not be made publicly visible until publication, or embargo expiry. 

  1. If either repository receives allegation of copyright violation, the relevant item will be put under embargo until the matter is resolved. 

Preservation Policy

  1. Items will be retained indefinitely. 

  1. The repositories will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. 

  1. Items may be migrated to new file formats where necessary. 

  1. It may not be possible to guarantee the readability of some unusual, obsolete or proprietary file formats. 

  1. The repositories regularly back up files according to current best practice. 

  1. Items may not normally be removed from the repositories. 

  1. If either repository receives notice of retraction the relevant item will flagged as retracted but will continue to be available. 

  1. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include: 

  • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism 

  • Legal requirements and proven violations 

  • National Security 

  • Falsified research 

  • Publishers' rules 

  1. Withdrawn items' identifiers/URLs are retained transiently. 

  1. The metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable. 

  1. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. The item's persistent URL/Concept DOI will always link to the latest version. 

  1. In the event of the repository being shuttered, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive. 

Repository requests privacy notice

What happens to your personal data

The personal data you have provided will only be processed in accordance with a University Privacy Notice. For the purpose of this business activity the legal basis relied upon for processing your personal data is contract. We will retain your name and email address / contact details for administrative purposes

Your personal data will be managed within Microsoft Excel and SharePoint for a period of 6 months. The LBU Records Retention Schedule provides full details in relation to how long we retain information.

Your personal information is being shared with Co-sector for the purpose of providing repository services. For further information in how they use and process your data please visit their privacy notices.

The University embeds the GDPR data protection principals in the management of personal information. For more information on these principals, how to exercise your rights and freedoms and how to contact us please visit our privacy webpage.