Below are statistics databases, but you might also find our lists of free statistical data on the Statistics page useful.
Statistics portal containing a vast source of worldwide statistical information across a wide range of topics. It gives access to more than 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics on 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. It covers topics such as social media marketing, film industry, mobile internet, digital music, digital games and much more. You can also search for statistics on a topic you’re interested in and see what’s available.
Choose to download content as images, PowerPoint presentations or Excel spreadsheets. Includes comprehensive support information, allowing you to fully get to grips with the data and place it in context. .
The latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics about the economy, population and society at national and local level. Summaries and detailed data releases are published free of charge.
A comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC to support researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social and economic data. It contains single point of access to a wide range of secondary data including large-scale government surveys, international macrodata, business microdata, qualitative studies and census data from 1971 to 2011.
The association for academics and professionals who research digital games and associated phenomena.
DiGRA’s Digital Library provides an open access archival service for research papers and proceedings from a variety of academic venues including DiGRAs flagship and regional conferences.
Radio resources bringing together archives of Independent Local Radio from 1973 to 1996.
A comprehensive directory of the publicly accessible sources of material related to the history of moving images and sound in the United Kingdom.
Search for moving image content, artefacts and sound collections from across the UK. These physical artefacts combine to represent all the key practices within screen history including the magic lantern, film, television and the digital present. These include film production equipment, television and video equipment, cinema equipment and fittings, artwork for animation, sets and costumes, sound technology, toys and games and documentation such as photographs, scripts, sheet music and personal papers.
Offers guidelines on advertising best practice and evidence and insights from the world's leading brands.
Also publishes leading journals including Admap, Market Leader, the Journal of Advertising Research and the International Journal of Market Research.
Collection of Industry Market Research and Industry Risk Ratings covering a wide range of industries within the UK. Includes statistics, analysis, forecasts, Brexit Impact Reports and insight into operation conditions, including the supply chain.
Market research reports in UK, European and US consumer markets. Mintel includes trends, statistics, news, information on brands and companies, and demographic data on a range of sectors. Please note Mintel has a 200 concurrent user license.
Mintel Trends is a trend analysis service that monitors, tracks and interprets consumer behaviour. Trends helps you understand the wider implications of changes in culture, society, brands, and markets and apply those findings for practical use. The above link has the 'Consumer Trends' filter already applied and can be found via the 'Expert Analysis' tab of Mintel.
A leading trend forecasting service, containing resources for fashion design, real time information on trends and portfolios of resources connected to product categories.
*28/9/23 majority of the site is available without an account by clicking ‘Access Database’. However some content (including downloads) require an account to access - see below.*
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