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The Library: Law

This guide is managed by your Academic Librarians and contains links to the key subscription resources for Law. Explore sections of the guide using the top menu.

This is because Skills for Learning live events have finished for this academic year. You can find recordings of sessions that ran this year on a range of topics on our Building on Feedback page.

Your Academic Librarians encourage you to:

  • use academic resources 
  • examine the assignment marking criteria
  • research systematically by narrowing search terms and identifying common themes
  • accurately reference and avoid plagiarism to meet the expectations of a UK university
  • develop academic debate and critical thinking skills

Training and certificates for legal databases

Get certified on legal research tools to improve your legal research skills, and enhance your employability.

Lexis+ Legal Research

Lexis+ UK Legal Research Certification is available in foundation and advanced versions.

You may wish to view some of the Lexis training materials before embarking on your certification.

Important: When choosing to start the Lexis certification tests, ensure you have Lexis+ open in one browser tab or window, and the certification test in another as you'll need to move between them both.

Getting Started with Legal Research (PDF)

Foundation Certification Guide (PDF) 

Advanced Certification Guide (PDF)

Lexis+ Training Video: Foundation

Lexis+ Training Video: Advanced



Important: When choosing to start the Westlaw certification tests, ensure you have Westlaw open in one browser tab or window, and the certification test in another as you'll need to move between them both.

Westlaw UK Certification Training gives you an interactive walk-through of Westlaw UK with the option to test your skills. If you decide to take the test and pass, you’ll be Certified in Westlaw UK and be sent a certificate to demonstrate your skills, which you can list on your CV. 

When you click on the link to start the training you are taken to training videos before you begin the test itself.

You may wish to look at Westlaw training materials before embarking on the test. To do this, login to Westlaw first before clicking the link for Westlaw UK User Guides.