Contains the full content of over 180 law textbooks from Oxford University Press.
Access to a number of Westlaw eBooks, including titles from the Common Law Library, such as Chitty on Contracts, Keating on Construction Contracts and McGregor on Damages. First time users may need to register, please use your Leeds Beckett email address. If asked for an institution, please search and select Leeds Beckett University. If presented with a OnePass page, just click 'Sign in'.
It is common practice in law to abbreviate the titles of publications such as journals and law report series. Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations allows you to search for abbreviations to find out what they mean.
If you have a legal abbreviation you can find the name of the publication to which the abbreviation commonly refers. E.g. CLJ is the 'Cambridge Law Journal'. You can also search for other abbreviations such as courts, e.g. UKSC is the UK Supreme Court.
You can also discover how to abbreviate the name of a law publication to create a recognised legal citation. You will be given the preferred citation abbreviation if one exists, or alternative abbreviations. E.g. the preferred abbreviation for 'Arbitration Law Reports and Review' is ArbLR.
If you want to keep abreast of the latest legal news and articles you can look at these websites:
You can also set up alerts on our two main legal databases:
Journals (also known as periodicals, serials or magazines) are published on a regular basis and cover a particular subject or profession. Because they are published frequently, they are an excellent source of up-to-date information. Each journal issue contains a number of articles, written by different authors, all of which will relate to the subject covered by the journal. Different types of journals are published, these include:
Journals often contain more specialised information than books, so you will use them as your academic interests develop, and they are useful for reading about more niche or specific topics.
Key legal history research tool. More than 200 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. Includes:
Large legal database containing UK, EU and international case law, legislation (up-to-date, amended versions), legal journals, commentary texts, current awareness, and news. Very good range of practitioner texts in the Commentary section including Butterworths Company Law Handbook and Butterworths Family Law Service. Includes All England Law Reports, Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, and Halsbury's Laws.
Westlaw International is a vast global legal research library built on some of the world's best legal, news and business information. First time users may need to register, please use your Leeds Beckett email address. If asked for an institution, please search and select Leeds Beckett University.
Please see the student FAQ for help accessing/using Westlaw International.
Large legal database containing UK and EU case law, legislation (up to date revised versions), legal journals, commentary texts such as Civil Procedure (the White Book) and Law Reports such as ICLR Law Reports and Weekly Law Reports. The current awareness section is useful for keeping up-to-date. Also links to Westlaw International for access to all Westlaw content outside of the UK and Europe. First time users may need to register, please use your Leeds Beckett email address. If asked for an institution, please search and select Leeds Beckett University. If presented with a OnePass page, just click 'Sign in'. Practical Law and the News section are not included in our subscription.
Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database. It provides information on a range of important areas of academic study, including anthropology, engineering, law, sciences, social sciences and more.
Journals from Cambridge University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
The DOAJ provides free, full text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals from around the world. There are over 19,000 open access titles, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
Full text access to over 380 Sage Publication titles subscribed to by The Library mainly in the social sciences, including titles on law (mainly crime and criminal justice), business, humanities, science, technology and medicine.
Collection of eBooks and ejournals which mainly covers the subject areas of: Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Health Sciences and Psychology.
Publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, reference works, and databases, the content spans all areas of the humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, science, technology, and medicine.
Database of references to some books and journal articles taken from a wide variety of subject areas. Full text access is only available to some 400 of the thousands of publications listed. You can only see the full text of those items that have an open lock symbol next to them. If no such symbol appears you do not have full text access.
For a full list of all the Library's online journals go to:
See the Finding Information page which explains what searching techniques there are so that you can find the most relevant information for your needs. It also has tips on saving results and how to evaluate your sources.
Staff and students can request new items for the Library collection.
See the Request It! page to find out more.