Finding psychological tests, measures and research instruments can be quite tricky. This page aims to help you in finding them wherever available. The best way to find tests and measures is to use the databases listed below. All the databases listed can be found by clicking on the Databases tab of this guide.
Cinahl uses the term 'Research Instruments' when referring to tests. To search for tests around a specific topic there are 2 ways to search. From the Advanced Search page;
You can also browse through a full list of tests by following the instructions for PsycINFO/ PsycARTICLES.
When you want to find articles or research that have used a specific test;
There are several ways of searching for tests in PsycINFO/ PsycARTICLES depending upon what you need to know. To find articles about instruments related to your topic:
To check which tests or measures have been used,
N.B. In the Test & Measures field, if the test has Appended next to it, this means that the test may be included in full-text format in the article in the appendix.
To search for articles which might have the test/ instrument in the appendix, from the Advanced search link;
To search for a list of tests which have been used for a specific topic;
To search for specific tests:
You should see a list of articles which have used that measure.
To browse through the entire list of tests.