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The Library: Psychology

What other help is available?

Remember, if you are unsure about anything, you should check with your dissertation supervisor.

However, if necessary you can also book an appointment with your Academic Librarian (contact details above) who can offer advice on how to find relevant resources including journal articles, statistics and more.

Skills for Learning offer support on a variety of relevant academic study skills - from reading strategies and IT skills to time management and academic writing. Their website has step by step guidance on planning your workload and structuring your dissertation, while in term time they also run workshops on a range of useful topics.

If you need a book or article which we don't have in stock you can use our Request It! service and we will try to get it for you.

Useful software

The statistical analysis software SPSS can be downloaded from MyBeckett.

Leeds Beckett students can also access Microsoft Office 365 for free

How can I find past dissertations, theses and projects in the Library?

Where course teams feel that it would be useful, the Library retains some previous dissertations and theses. Even if there is not a previous piece of work on your exact topic, you may still find it useful to consult the methodology or literature review chapters of other projects - You may just wish to see how other scholars have structured and presented their work.

Dissertations and theses can be found on Discover:

Where can I find other past theses, dissertations and projects?