Collection of Industry Market Research and Industry Risk Ratings covering a wide range of industries within the UK. Includes statistics, analysis, forecasts, Brexit Impact Reports and insight into operation conditions, including the supply chain.
Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more.
Provides access to premium version of the global business based In addition we have access to app.
MarketLine contains global market research and company analysis reports covering sectors including consumer goods, finance, food and drink and technology. Contains PESTLE Country Analysis reports for the top 50 countries in the world (GDP) and PEST country analysis of the top 100 countries (GDP). Access SWOT analysis for many major companies, just type the company name in the search box. You can also search by industry.
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Market research reports in UK, European and US consumer markets. Mintel includes trends, statistics, news, information on brands and companies, and demographic data on a range of sectors. Please note Mintel has a 200 concurrent user license.
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