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The Library: Architecture

Your Academic Librarians encourage you to:

  • use academic resources 
  • examine the assignment marking criteria
  • research systematically by narrowing search terms and identifying common themes
  • accurately reference and avoid plagiarism to meet the expectations of a UK university
  • develop academic debate and critical thinking skills

Welcome to your Subject Guide

This guide is managed by your Academic Librarians and designed as a starting point for exploring research about Architecture and related disciplines. In each of the tabs, you'll find a variety of information resources which have been selected as a good starting point for research in that area. In addition to these, there are thousands of other books, journals, research articles, and videos that are available to you via the following links:

  • Discover
    Discover is your academic search engine, which searches over 90% of resources available from Leeds Beckett Library. These resources include books, eBooks and most electronic journals and databases. Discover is a great place to start your research.
  • Databases
    Databases are tools, often focused on a specific subject area or profession, which allow you to search for high quality information. You can use databases to find research articles.
  • Journals A-Z
    Journals are published on a regular basis e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly and as such provide a good source of up to date information. Journals contain more specialised information about subjects than books, so you will need to use them as your academic interests develop. Most of your journals are available online on or off campus.

Skills for Learning workshops and events are mixture of live sessions and on demand recordings.

Book an appointment

For specific help with academic skills, students can book up to two, 30 minute one-to-one appointments with an Academic Librarian or Academic Skills tutor per semester. 

Appointments can take place online or at City or Headingley campus – please click into an individual appointment to see which locations are available (all slots can be booked as online appointments).