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The Library: Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying & Architectural Technology

Top tips from your Academic Librarians


Useful Library class numbers

Class Number Subject
340 Law Collection
343.078624 Construction Law
343.07869 Building Codes
624.0681 Construction - Financial Management
650 Management
690 Construction of Buildings
692 Building materials
696 Utilities


Standards are nationally or internationally recognised ways of setting specifications or tests for products or procedures. In the UK the standards body is the ​British Standards Institution​. Many UK standards are harmonised across Europe (EN) or Internationally (ISO).

British Standards can be searched using:

America has a variety of different standardising bodies for different industries. The AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) provides free access to its standards online.

Finding legal materials

Slides on finding legal materials can be found by following the links below.

Researching Case Law

Finding Acts of Parliament

Legal Research Skills

You might also like to work through the online tutorial in the box below. To switch on accessibility view, click on Discover more available options (three dots icon) and Accessibility View. This displays the tutorial in a high-contrast design with full keyboard functionality and screen reader access to all content.

Library skills


A selection of legal information databases. Westlaw and Lexis contain different material so remember to check both.

Referencing cases in Harvard

Referencing Cases:

If you look at page 52 of Quote, Unquote you will see what information you need to reference a Case in Harvard. We do not mention Westlaw, or any other database name, as Westlaw is not the publisher. Instead we just provide the case reference. An example of a case reference is:

Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. [1893] 1 Q.B. 256.

You should see this information at the top of the Case in Westlaw and other databases.

Referencing Government Publications:

Uk government publications (Acts, Statutes, Bills, Legislation) are on page 82 of Quote, Unquote

Again you do not mention the database provider, just the title, and date, and chapter number (c.) if there is one. See the example below, and look at Quote, Unquote for more examples:

Further and Higher Education Act 1991 (c. 13) London: HMSO.

Please note: you might be asked to use the OSCOLA referencing system rather than Harvard. See the box below for more information about OSCOLA. Always check with your tutor to find out which one you need to use. If you are still not certain just email your Academic Librarians.