A patent protects new inventions and covers how things work, what they do, how they do it, what they are made of and how they are made. If a patent application is granted, it gives the owner the ability to take a legal action under civil law to try to stop others from making, using, importing or selling the invention without permission. Patents can give valuable technical information.
This is the database for all publications from the British Standards Institute (BSI). It includes current, historic, and draft British Standards; BSI adopted European and international standards; technical handbooks; codes of practice; guidelines; and specifications for products, dimensions, performance, and glossaries.
Please note you will need to download File Open to be able to download the full standards. Rather than download, you can view the document by clicking on 'Quick View' but please note it isn't always the full version.
Comprehensive source of technical information standards and legislation for construction industry professionals. Includes Building Regulations Approved Documents, Codes of Practice, Specimen Contract Documents, Architects' Journal and the SCI Blue Book.
Please note, for British Standards please search the British Standards Online database.
Provides access to construction components and equipment information suppliers, and gives up to date supplier information from more than 10,000 companies. It includes full text catalogues, CAD drawings, data sheets, handbooks, reference manuals, selector guides, and brochures. You can search for product names, company names, trade names, and component names.
A smart database of over 29000 building products with project management, technical search and comparison features, making for efficient research and better informed specification decisions.
A building product information website that includes 10,500 manufacturer listings by alpha or CSI section, 7000 BIM Models, 900 specs all in the CSI 3 part format, 300 SpecWizards for automated spec writing and 7,000 CAD Details. Free to use and no registration required.
A showcase of over 120,000 design products and materials, linking architectural projects with the furnishings, materials and fittings that have been used in their execution.
Barbour Product Search
An online directory offering an accessible platform for architects, contractors and other specifiers within the construction community.
ESI Info
Online database of products and materials.
By promoting 'green' building products, materials, and construction techniques, they aim to help reduce the overall environmental impact of the buildings we create.
NBS Source
An online source of building product information.
Provides up to date product catalogues aimed at designers, specifiers, and purchasers. It includes full-text catalogues, data sheets, handbooks, reference manuals, selector guides, and brochures. You can search for product names, company names, trade names, and component names.
The Building Cost Information Service provides cost and price data for the UK construction industry. School of Built Environment, Engineering & Computing staff and students can access this on-campus via MyBeckett and off-campus via RemoteApp.
A collection of databases/services that provide maps and map data of Great Britain. Data is available either to download, to use with appropriate software such as geographical information systems (GIS) or computer-aided design (CAD), or as online maps.
Leeds Beckett does not subscribe to all of the Digimap databases/services. Our subscription gives you access to: Ordnance Survey; Historic; Geology; Marine; Environment; Aerial; Lidar; Global; Society; Verisk; agCensus.
Please note Digimap can only be accessed within the United Kingdom.