You may also wish to explore our page on Dissertations and the Skills for Learning pages on Finding Information and Literature Reviews.
You can search on Discover for dissertations and theses held in the Library. Here are some links to dissertations in your area that we hold:
Architectural technology dissertations
Building surveying dissertations
Construction industry management dissertations
Construction law dissertations
Free access to full text European doctoral theses - over 1 million open access research theses from over 500 universities in 29 European countries.
Access to ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education for researchers Worldwide. You can search the EThOS database without having to register. You do, however, need to register and log in if you want to download a thesis from EThOS or to order digitisation of a thesis.
Provides access to 5 million citations to dissertations and theses from around the world, with nearly 3 million full text dissertations available for download. Please note that, despite global coverage, much of the content is North American.
You can search the University repository for past Leeds Beckett research and the Thesis and Research Data Repository (Figshare) contains online postgraduate research theses/dissertations from Leeds Beckett students.
The Library also has some hard copies of old dissertations and theses. You can consult these to see how previous students conducted and presented their work.
Search on Discover for dissertations and theses held in the Library:
Skills for Learning workshops and events are mixture of live sessions and on demand recordings.