The Academic Support Team provides Skills for Learning sessions within modules and can work with you to tailor these to the learning outcomes and particular priorities of your course, to provide students with the academic skills they need. The University's TeachLearn pages provide guidance on how you can book in-curriculum Skills for Learning sessions for your students. There are also MyBeckett academic skills modules you can direct students to, to help them with key skills, Academic Integrity or the International Students' Academic Introduction.
We also provide support directly to students through Skills for Learning on-demand workshops and drop-ins, the Skills for Learning website and one-to-one appointments. Students can also email their Academic Librarian team directly for advice on finding and using Library resources.
The Library supports students in their use of IT with web pages offering guidance on passwords, MyBeckett, Office 365, MFA, email, etc. and a 24/7 Library and Student IT Advice Service. We also offer dedicated support for distance learning students and students registered with Disability Advice which includes an Alternative Formats Service.
Please note that staff support for IT is provided by IT Services (0113 812 2222).