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The Library: Computing


Databases are collections of information used in academic study and research. Different databases provide access to journal articles, statistics, images, and sound, as well as indexes of further information.

Discover is the main Leeds Beckett search tool, drawing in content from many different databases. However, using a variety of databases in your work increases your chance of finding relevant information.

You can also see the full lists of databases and ejournals we have access to at Leeds Beckett:

Professional Websites

British Computing Society (BCS), The Chartered Institute for IT The professional body which accredits our Computing programmes, BCS is a charity with a royal charter to raise standards, competence and conduct across the IT industry.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) The world’s largest computing society uniting educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue and share resources.

IEEE The world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE Computer Society A premier source for information, inspiration and collaboration in computer science and engineering.

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Inspiring, informing and influencing the global engineering community to engineer a better world.

Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) The UK’s leading independent advocate for science and engineering with a mission focus on skills, funding and policies.


Journal collections

Useful databases