Databases are collections of information used in academic study and research. Different databases provide access to journal articles, statistics, images, and sound, as well as indexes of further information.
Discover is the main Leeds Beckett search tool, drawing in content from many different databases. However, using a variety of databases in your work increases your chance of finding relevant information.
You can also see the full lists of databases and ejournals we have access to at Leeds Beckett:
British Computing Society (BCS), The Chartered Institute for IT The professional body which accredits our Computing programmes, BCS is a charity with a royal charter to raise standards, competence and conduct across the IT industry.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) The world’s largest computing society uniting educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue and share resources.
IEEE The world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE Computer Society A premier source for information, inspiration and collaboration in computer science and engineering.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Inspiring, informing and influencing the global engineering community to engineer a better world.
Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) The UK’s leading independent advocate for science and engineering with a mission focus on skills, funding and policies.
Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database. It provides information on a range of important areas of academic study, including anthropology, engineering, law, sciences, social sciences and more.
Full text access to every article ever published by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
Journals from Cambridge University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
The association for academics and professionals who research digital games and associated phenomena.
DiGRA’s Digital Library provides an open access archival service for research papers and proceedings from a variety of academic venues including DiGRAs flagship and regional conferences.
Provides access to almost 3-million full text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications, including journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics, and allied fields.
Full text access to over 380 Sage Publication titles subscribed to by The Library mainly in the social sciences, including titles on law (mainly crime and criminal justice), business, humanities, science, technology and medicine.
Collection of eBooks and ejournals which mainly covers the subject areas of: Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Health Sciences and Psychology.
This is the database for all publications from the British Standards Institute (BSI). It includes current, historic, and draft British Standards; BSI adopted European and international standards; technical handbooks; codes of practice; guidelines; and specifications for products, dimensions, performance, and glossaries.
Please note you will need to download File Open to be able to download the full standards. Rather than download, you can view the document by clicking on 'Quick View' but please note it isn't always the full version.
Access to the database of over 140 million patents.
Game Developers Conference is the largest professional game industry event. GDC Vault gives you access to talks, audio, video and slide content taken from 20 years of these conferences. There are 12,000 videos and thousands of hours of audio files and synced presentations from speakers and panels. The content includes a range of gaming topics from AI to visual arts.
Please note, users only have access to free content available on the website.
Extensive reports and data on the entertainment industry, giving forecasts, integrated audience insights and global trend analysis. Particularly useful for research within music, television, gaming, media and marketing.
Statistics portal containing a vast source of worldwide statistical information across a wide range of topics. It gives access to more than 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics on 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. It covers topics such as social media marketing, film industry, mobile internet, digital music, digital games and much more. You can also search for statistics on a topic you’re interested in and see what’s available.
Choose to download content as images, PowerPoint presentations or Excel spreadsheets. Includes comprehensive support information, allowing you to fully get to grips with the data and place it in context. .