Leeds Beckett's Library Services use a number of third party systems and websites to deliver its service to students and staff of the University. We want as many people as possible to use these and we work with platform owners and content creators to ensure this.
The table below, which is in the order of our most commonly used systems:
Name / function (Provider) of system / site | Link to Accessibility Statement / information on accessibility | Additional information |
Library Website and associated functions (FAQs / Room Bookings / Tutorials / Chat) (Springshare) |
Springshare Accessibility Statement |
We manually audited a sample of our Library website pages and associated functions, including FAQs. We carried out a further manual audit when WCAG 2.2 was launched for the additional criteria. We continue to work on a small number of areas of non-compliance. We have created comprehensive guidelines for creating accessible content as this is provided by a wide range of Library staff. New content continues to be checked for accessibility. An individual Accessibility Statement for Springshare is produced. |
MyBeckett (Blackboard) | Accessibility in Blackboard Learn |
Anthology Ally is available to enable academic staff to check the accessibility of the material they upload to our Virtual Learning Environment and for students to convert material into accessible formats. This function is also available via the Blackboard App so students can download alternative formats from within the app. Training is available to University staff in the use of Ally and to support them in creating accessible content. Online support is also available for students including an Anthology Ally FAQ. Staff and students can also use the Ally File Transformer tool to convert files into alternative formats to suit needs, devices, and learning preferences. Log into MyBeckett and click on the Assist link in the main menu on the left. |
Academic Skills modules | Academic Skills Modules Accessibility Statement |
We have various academic skills modules, most of which are delivered through our virtual learning environment MyBeckett. We produced an individual Accessibility Statement for the Academic Skills modules. Separate information about the accessibility of MyBeckett can be found in the MyBeckett section of this table and on the Accessibility in Blackboard Learn page. |
Skills for Learning (Springshare) | Skills for Learning Accessibility Statement |
The Skills for Learning website uses the Springshare platform used by the Library website but has been customised so a separate audit was carried out including a further audit when WCAG 2.2 was launched for the additional criteria. An individual Accessibility Statement for Skills for Learning is produced. |
Reading Lists (Talis Aspire) |
Talis Web Accessibility Statement |
Talis Aspire provide our reading list system and each reading list has a link to the supplier's statement from within the system toolbar. The supplier continues to improve functionality and accessibility including changes to how lists can be viewed. To ensure all students can access their reading list resources, we create alternative format reading lists for students who require them. If we are unable to obtain an accessible format of an item which is required by a student we digitise it on request and produce an OCRed searchable PDF. |
Discover (OCLC) |
Discover is the Library's academic search engine providing the ability to search for books and electronic resources. The home page of the system provides a link to the supplier's Accessibility Statement. We also provide an additional webpage on Discover page with advice, tips, accessibility information and information on known issues for example for users who prefer reduced motion, there is an FAQ How can I stop the animated loading spinner during Discover searches? |
PebblePad (PebblePad) | PebblePad Accessibility Overview | PebblePad is a portfolio system with content mainly uploaded by students. |
Turnitin (Turnitn) | Turnitin Commitment to Accessibility |
Turnitin is a web-based text matching system used by many universities worldwide. Lecturers usually ask students to submit work via Turnitin submission areas in MyBeckett. Turnitin helps with the development of academic writing and referencing skills. Information about accessing a text-only version of Turnitin Similarity Reports and some of the current known limitations is available in our student FAQs e.g. How do I view my marks and feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio? and How do I interpret a Turnitin Similarity Report?. |
Ebook Collections (various suppliers) | eBook Collections - links to accessibility information |
Each eBook platform has an accessibility FAQ containing a link to the platform Accessibility Statement. These are linked to from the eBook Collections and the Database A-Z page. |
Ejournal Collections and Databases (various suppliers) |
Library Services use preferred licensing guidelines when purchasing and renewing electronic resources which includes key accessibility measures. We have liaised with suppliers and other organisations to obtain accessibility statements for 97% of the electronic resources we subscribe to. These are linked to under the relevant entry via our Databases A-Z lists. We continue to liaise with the remaining suppliers and add their statements as they become available. We link to some open access (freely available) resources which do not yet have accessibility statements available. We continue to work with the supplier of our Journals A-Z and Databases A-Z pages on known accessibility issues e.g. the Journals A-Z page currently has no ‘Skip to main content’ link and the link text within journal records has insufficient contrast. Some resources are only available in PDF format. For guidance on making them more accessible, please see our FAQ How do I make PDF files more accessible in Adobe Reader DC? and the advice on our Library Disability Support page. For help making resources more accessible, please email libraryaltformats@leedsbeckett.ac.uk and we'll get back to you within 5 working days. |
Repository (Eprints) | Eprints Accessibility Statement |
The Leeds Beckett Repository provides open access to research outputs at the University, as required by funders and permitted by publishers and copyright law. It manages the full text (Word/PDF) files uploaded from Symplectic and is the external, online collection of Leeds Beckett research outputs. |
Research Information System (Symplectic) |
Symplectic Elements is a research management system that collects research activity in one place. It is an internal database of research records and is used to generate the list of publications that appears on online staff profiles and to provide reports on research activity across the University. More information about the system can be found on the Library website Symplectic pages and there is additional Symplectic accessibility information on their support site. |
Digitised readings created under the CLA licence | CLA Accessibility Policy |
Digitised reading created by the Library's Digitisation service under the CLA licence are added to online reading lists and to MyBeckett. The files created are OCRed searchable PDFs. Work is continuing on the accessibility of digitised PDFs. A new student FAQ has been written: What accessibility features are available for digitised chapters using Kortext? |
CLA's Digital Content Store | Digital Content Store Accessibility Policy | The Digital Content Store is the platform which hosts digitised reading created by the Library's Digitisation service under the CLA licence. |
E-theses |
Electronic formats of PhD theses supplied by third party (students). Information on accessibility is included in our Deposit your eThesis and E-theses and copyright guides. We recommend theses are submitted in Word format and have produced guidance for students on making their thesis accessible. |
Figshare (Figshare) | Figshare Accessibility Statement |
Figshare is our Thesis and Research Data Repository, which enables theses and archived data to be made Open Access. Information on accessibility is included in our Deposit your eThesis and E-theses and copyright guides. We recommend theses are submitted in Word format and have produced guidance for students on making their thesis accessible. An individual Accessibility Statement for Figshare has been produced. |
Teach learn staff web pages (Sitecore) | Sitecore Accessibility Statement |
The TeachLearn pages for staff are held on the University's content management system, Sitecore. The University has produced an accessibility statement. |
Library blog (Sitecore) | Sitecore Accessibility Statement |
The Library blog is held on the University's content management system, Sitecore. The University has produced an accessibility statement. |
Social media applications (Various) |
Although we are aware that social media platforms are out of scope of The Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations 2018 we upload accessible content where possible and train our staff on accessibility. |
Archive and Special Collections web pages (Springshare) | Archive and Special Collections Accessibility Statement |
These pages are created within the same content management system as our Library website but have a customised template. An individual Accessibility Statement for Archive and Special Collections is produced. |
Inspera (Inspera) |
Inspera Accessibility Statement | Inspera is a digital exam tool using by courses in Nursing and Law. |
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
The Library’s software page provides information on assistive software which may help in using our systems and websites.
We know some parts of the websites and systems we use are not fully accessible - details are provided in the individual Accessibility Statements.
If you need information on the content of our systems and websites in a different format (for example accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille) please email libraryaltformats@leedsbeckett.ac.uk. We'll consider your request and get back to you within 5 working days.
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of our systems and websites. If you find any problems or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact d.morris@leedsbeckett.ac.uk.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint,contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
The Library supports the use of The Next Generation Text Service. Alternatively you can email us or contact us by online chat.
You can find out all the ways you can get in touch with us on the Library website Contact Us page.
Leeds Beckett University is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
The websites and systems used by Library Services are partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.
Please note these are a sample of non-compliances; individual Statements will provide more information.
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.
Some of the ways in which our websites and systems are not yet compliant with the Regulations are:
There are various accessibility issues with our Skills for Learning site which we are working on resolving. See our Skills for Learning accessibility statement for details.
There are some tutorials which contain drag and drop activities. Accessible text alternative versions of these tutorials have been provided, however there is no single pointer alternative available. This fails WCAG 2.2 success criterion 2.5.7 (Dragging Movements).
External content
We link to external pages and other Leeds Beckett University pages which may not be accessible.
We created a roadmap towards compliance in September 2019:
This statement was prepared on 17 September 2019. It was last reviewed on 07 January 2025.